Feedback Mentor
What is feedback?
Providing VS. Receiving
Final Exercises
Question 1
Which of these is a definition of feedforward?
The process of informing someone of the consequences of their actions
The process of correcting someone about an action, event, or process
The process of giving someone future-oriented solutions
The process of informing someone about their performance
Correct! This is why ...
Wrong... Try again!
Question 2
Select all that are true apply: Feedforward...
... should rarely be used, feedback is more effective.
Correct! Feedforward should be used as much as possible, it creates a more positive environment which leads to be more effective than feeback.
Wrong... Try again!
... helps the receiver recognize the problems and find solutions for themselves
Correct! When giving feedforward you're giving suggestions on how to improve their work/actions, that helps them recognize what they're doing wrong and they might leave the conversation with a purpose instead of frustration
Wrong... Try again!
... is focused on past events while feedback will help the receiver in the future
Correct! Feedback, by definition, focuses on past events but feedforward aims to help the other person in the future
Wrong... Try again!
... is more hurtful than feedback.
Correct! Most researches have shown that feedback isn't as effective and as appreciated as feedforward, people don't like to have their mistakes pointed out but won't mind as much being helped improve
Wrong... Try again!
Question 3
Convert the following sentence to Feedforward
I found your essay very hard to read, you should've used proper punctuation
"I noticed in your essay that you're having trouble using the correct punctuation. Here are some good articles that may help you in the future.""
"I couldn't help but notice the bad use of punctuation in your essay, that can't happen again."
Correct! You try to help them recognize the problem and, most importantly, help them grow/improve. The second option will leave the person helpless, they won't know what they did wrong nor how to improve it
Wrong... Try again!
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What is feedforward?
Feedback VS Feedforward
What are the differences?
Final Exercises